Dear friends,let us remind you the good news about eTwinning partnership in Europe.We are pripering presentation of our project and a birthday party on 5th May for our parents and some guests. We´ll let you know further details about it later. Slovak team by Ema Kočišová, 5A by Adela Kočišová, 5A by Frančeska Suchá, 5A
Please accept our sincere condolences on this unhappy event. We realize that words can do little to ease your sorrow at this difficult time but we want you to know that we - in Slovakia- are mourning today with you and your nation. Slovak Art team
Just after Easter break 3a had a great time creating and presenting the Easter posters. They brainstormed their ideas first about what the European Easter Eggs could do together to have fun, then they drew their ideas and created their posters in the form of comics, where the Easter Eggs talk to each other and have fun. They also learned flags, contry names in English, and tried to say "Happy Easter" in all languages. Great game! Thank you Spain. More photos in the "News, Games and Special Tasks" page.